Latest news from Yadua
This morning I just got an update from my friend Jone of the National Trust of Fiji about the money I raised for Yadua.
In total the money came out as 3,344 FJD (after a 10 FJD transfer cost), and 2,000 FJD of this has been transfered into the Village Development Committee's bank account. The balance still remains in Jone's account whilst the Environmental Committee are given a chance to set up a bank account (a bit tricky as there obviously aren't any banks in Denimanu, and the nearest may be up to a days journey away!).
The villagers were finally informed about the donation on Yadua Day (10th August), which must have come as a bit of a surprise, because we had done our best to keep it a complete secret. Acting on my behalf Pita was invited to drink some Yaqona (the first bowl of a newly mixed batch of grog (kava)) as a token of appreciation from the villagers (though I'm sure he didn't need too much convincing!).
Right now the Development Committee are waiting for the return in September of a researcher from Australia who should be able to finalise the quotation for the solar-cell project and start the purchase of the equipment needed. Meanwhile the Environment Committee are still weighing up their options, including improving the ponds, fencing, cementing with proper steps and building an incinerator. Hopefully Pita will buy some supplies for them from Labasa next week.
In other news the Yadua Marine Protected Area which was set up 2 years ago will be opened for fishing tomorrow, barring any last minute change of decision of the locals.
Also I hear some rather sad news from the National Trust itself. In the last couple of weeks one of their rangers and one of their office staff have died. I don't know anything more than this, and I didn't know the individuals, but I do know from experience that the employees of the National Trust do very good work within Fiji, and I am sure they will be sorely missed.
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